Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Machine Embroidery

Over the past 3 weeks I have been learning various methods of machine embroidery. We were asked to make black and white samples using the embellisher, limited hand stitch, and machine stitch with the standard embroidery foot, tailor tack foot and pin tuck feet. The materials I chose to work with included wool, lace, netting and tracing paper; they all add texture to samples, and can be layered to create delicate, ethereal effects. Some samples were based on directed drawing, while the final batch were based on photographs of architecture in manchester, pertaining to my journeys project.


Monday, 22 October 2012

Colour exercises

We were asked to make a colour wheel and mix primary gouache colours together to create a range of tones. The primary shades I had were not as bright as most people's but the effect is quite nice. Because the colour samples were in a single block, they form a cohesive collection, resembling a woven piece.

Colour Stripes
Colour Wheel
We were then asked to create proportional colour stripes based on drawings from our Journeys project. I used one, two and three images to make each of the samples above. From the stripes, I would say the colours on the right hand one are too grey and masculine together, but I like the drawings they are derived from; this means that line, texture and form help to break up colour and alter how we see it.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Inspiring artists' work

This week was the start of my first 6 week taster block, and while looking through some books I found a couple of artists producing some interesting Embroidery work. Both show interesting use of the thread itself and splashes of colour that make their work dynamic and exciting.

Lisa Solomon 'Poppy Bed' 2007

Xiang Yang 'Quelqu'un m'a dit' 2010
There were also works from other specialities that are innovative and conceptually and visually pleasing, and instantly drew my attention.

Jaap Van Arkel 'Wallpaper Lamp' 2000
Karim Rashid 'Endless Table'

Jurgen Bey for Droog 'Treetrunk bench' 1999