Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Construction Day

We were challenged to experiment with a multiple of a single material to make different textures surfaces and marks. I chose pieces of the cereal 'Shreddies', as they are versatile and resemble the windows I have been drawing for my journeys project.


Using Richard Serra's Actions list (1967-68) as a starting point, I chipped, cut, systematized, joined, rolled, arranged, perforated, blew, cut and wet the Shreddies, and let parts of them fall by gravity. I also formed my own artificial Shreddies by putting crushed fragments into sellotape packets; these were then arranged. I also used glue to stick some together, forming towers and walls, and sewed through the holes to connect them and form interesting shapes.

Comparing Shreddies to other foodstuffs, I realised that they could be more playful, instead of the traditional square shape, so I attempted to make them into letters. Certain ones were too difficult to make, but a few were enough to show my idea. I formed the word 'bloated' and wet the letters so they swelled, adding ink to the water to show the spread of the water further. This method also ties in with the 'old and new' theme used for my journeys project.

I really enjoyed exploring this material, as it forced me to be creative in a focussed way, while adding unexpected humour, and I feel that my experiments were successful. There are many ways to bring this forward; I could draw from the samples, couch down shreddies onto fabric, produce a larger 3D sculpture, stitch according to the patterns created by rolling or crushing the pieces, or make a collection of further samples.

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