Friday, 15 February 2013

Digital Print Sample

I chose one of my busier photoshop designs to put forward for digital print. Unfortunately the colours in my original file became distorted, so they no longer match my colour palette. The reds became orange, and generally the other colours are wrong; although the shapes are still well represented, I don't like the final result. In my feedback, the group said that they really liked my digital print, but they did not elaborate on this, so I don't know what they specifically liked about it; shape, colour, texture, mood etc.

The right hand image is closer to the true colours of the design; it is a photograph of a paper print out of the file, so is not perfect in terms of colour representation but is close enough to show the difference. According to Sally this is most likely due to the difference in settings between several computers. This discolouration also happened to other students, so there were no actual mistakes made anywhere in the process. In future I will have to check the colour and monitor settings when switching between computers to ensure consistency when digitally printing samples.

In general (colour aside) the design translated well onto fabric, though some of the sharpness was lost when it came to the linear detail; this could be resolved by either printing the design at a larger scale or using thicker lines in the original photoshop designs. 

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